Page 101 - PP8inst
P. 101
Posture Improvement Exercises
Improving the Forward Head Posture
It has been well established the the most common deficient posture profile is
that of Forward Head Posture (FHP). This occurs when the center of the ear is
forward the center of the shoulder.
When this happens, the center of balance of the body is thrown off and the body
begins to distort in an effort to re-correct the Center of Gravity. As the head
goes forward, the upper body drifts backward and the hips tilt forward.
This can lead to abnormal stresses on muscles, joints, and ligaments, and ulti-
mately lead to abnormal spinal biomechanics.
By recognizing FHP early, and applying specific posture improvement exercises,
it is possible to greatly reduce the amount of FHP, and in may cases, bring the
posture back to neutral.
The following exercises have been recommended to reduce your Forward Head
Posture. Please follow the directions for each maneuver closely. Consult your
doctor should you have any questions.
General Stretching and Exercise Rules
· If any exercise or stretch causes pain, stop immediately.
If pain persists contact your doctor.
· Don’t “bounce” or perform jerky movements. The exer-
cise or stretch should consist of slow, smooth move-
· Hold each movement for 10-15 seconds, then relax and
“shake out” for a few seconds.
· Perform the exercises and stretches every day. 1-6 on
one day and 7-12 on the next.