Page 97 - PP8inst
P. 97

                 Progress Graphs                                                                       93



                     By clicking on the "His-
                tory" button on the PP8 main
                screen, you can generate
                different types of progress
                graphs and picture reports.

                     This feature gives the user
                instant feedback regarding
                posture progress over time.

                     To begin, select the record
                to analyze.

                     Click on the
                History button.
                The screen on
                the left will ap-
                pear. Here you
                can select from
                different types
                of reports that
                utilize picture or
                graph summa-
                ries of progress.

                     The most
                common com-
                parison is the
                Posture Number

                     From the
                HIstory Report
                Style screen se-
                lect PN progress
                only (highlighted
                in pink) and click on OK. Posture Pro will generate a graph progress report whose focus is
                the patient's Posture Number.

                     Experiment with the other types of progress reports to find which suits your purpose
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