Page 32 - PP8inst
P. 32

Posture Number Meaning                                                               28

                          Meaning of Posture Numbers

                    0 - 5, little to no structural stress is detected, monitor & re-evaluate
                    in 6 months
                    6 - 10, beginning of structural stress and increased tension on the
                    musculo-skeletal system, monitor closely and re-evaluate in 90 days
                    11 - 15, structural stress is evident
                    16 - 20, stress and tension are causing symptoms that need to be
                    20 - 30, structural damage is occuring and needs to be prevented

                    30+, structural damage has occured, life-long problems may already exist,

                          Posture Pro Coding Options

                     Codes that apply (usually, this Report must be given on a different day
                     than the X-ray Report of Findings to justify a separate billing):

                     1)      EM Counseling: 99211-25 (5 min) =  Report of Findings = service
                     doc-patient face to face counseling; (in Nevada, the relative value unit
                     is RVU = 0.59) = [Discussion with patient about one of more of "Diagnostic
                     Results, Impressions, Prognosis, Risks/Benefits of management,
                     instructions for management, and or follow-up]. The modifier -25 means that this code
                     is a separate service, i.e. a Report of findings. So if the DC went through
                     the Postural Report and then showed them the exercises, it would be
                     an approximate 15 minute service.

                     2)      Depending on the time used to explain their posture and Mirror
                     Image exercises, there are increasing RVU amounts possible:

                     (a)    99212-25 (10 min) = "; (RVU = 1.03)

                     (b)   99213-25 (15 min) = ", (RVU = 1.42)

                     (c)     99214-25 (20 min)
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