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Posture Number                                                                    27

               That’s a lot of powerful infor-
               mation from just five mouse
               clicks and 59 seconds of your
               time. You can clearly show a
               patient, using their own photo-
               graphs, that their posture might
               be affecting the way their spine
               is moving. Perhaps causing
               some areas to move too much,
               while other areas move too

               For most DCs, the essence of
               what you do, regardless of tech-
               nique or practice philosophy, is
               to find these areas of hyper or
               hypo mobility and fix them.

               To facilitate this patient education process, I’ve devised a method of combining the information ob-
               tained in a lateral posture exam to calculate a person’s Posture Number . This number then becomes
               an easy identifier of the extent of the problem, and an easy way to track progress. At screenings it is
               now easy to ask “What’s Your Posture Number? ”
               This new version of Posture Pro also comes with a new brochure in BrochurePro Lite titled “What’s
               Your Posture Number? ”, and comes with files to create a 2’x3’ poster of the same name.
               I’ve registered the phrase Posture Number, and “What’s Your Posture Number? ” and copyrighted
               the code algorithm used to create the posture number. So, only Posture Pro can calculate this number
               and only Posture Pro users can ask the question “What’s Your Posture Number? ”
               On our website, we will have a database of practitioners able to answer the
               question “What’s Your Posture Number? ”

                    Lateral Plumbline Points to Click to Get a Person's Posture Number           tm

                 Click on Get Posture Number button, then make five clicks
                 1. EAM of ear                                              You can actually perform a com-
                 2. Center of shoulder                                 plete lateral exam in this fashion. A
                 3. Center of hip                                      plumb line will be drawn, the pelvic tilt
                 4. Center of knee                                     estimated, the forward head travel calcu-
                 5. Just in front of ankles. After the last click      lated and the additional cervical forces
                 the line will be drawn
                                                                       will be calculated.
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