Page 15 - The Science of Posture Analysis: Evidence-Based Approaches for Health Professionals
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The  Science  of  Posture  Analysis:  Evidence-Based    App       roaches   for   Health

                                                                 Posture analysis can be performed

                                                                 using a variety of methods, including
                 De|nition of Posture
                                                                 visual observation, photography, video
                             Anal     ysis
                                                                 analysis, and computerized systems.
                De nition of Posture Analysis
                                                                 Visual observation involves a trained eye
                                                                 to identify postural deviations.
                Posture analysis is the process of
                evaluating the alignment and balance of          Photography and video analysis provide
                a person's musculoskeletal system in a           a more detailed view of the patient's
                static or dynamic state. It is a                 posture, which can be useful in
                comprehensive approach used to                   identifying subtle deviations.

                identify and evaluate postural                   Computerized systems, such as posture
                deviations, asymmetries, and                     analysis software, provide a more
                compensations that may lead to                   objective and quantitative approach to

                functional limitations, pain, and injury.        posture analysis.
                Posture analysis is an important tool for
                health professionals in the  elds of             There are various approaches to posture
                physical therapy, chiropractic, sports           analysis, including static, dynamic, and
                medicine, and occupational therapy.              functional analysis. Static analysis
                                                                 evaluates a person's posture while
                                                                 standing still, while dynamic analysis
                The primary goal of posture analysis is
                to identify the underlying causes of             evaluates a person's posture during

                postural deviations. This process                movement. Functional analysis
                involves a thorough examination of a             evaluates a person's posture during
                patient's posture, gait, range of motion,        functional activities, such as lifting,
                and biomechanics. The  ndings of the             reaching, and bending.

                analysis are used to develop an
                individualized treatment plan that is
                tailored to the patient's speci c needs.

                The Science of Posture Analysis: Evidence-Based Approaches for Health Professionals
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