Page 31 - The Science of Posture Analysis: Evidence-Based Approaches for Health Professionals
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The  Science  of  Posture  Analysis:  Evidence-Based    App       roaches   for   Health

                                                                 To perform goniometry, the health

                                                                 professional should  rst explain the
                Goniometry: Measuring Joint Range of             procedure to the patient and obtain their

                Motion                                           consent. The patient should be in a
                                                                 relaxed position, and the joint being
                                                                 measured should be exposed. The
                Goniometry is the measurement of joint

                range of motion (ROM) through the use            goniometer is placed on the joint, and
                of an instrument called a goniometer. It         the health professional aligns the
                is a critical component of posture               instrument with the joint axis. The
                analysis and is used to evaluate the             patient is then asked to move the joint

                mobility and  exibility of joints. Accurate      through its full ROM, while the health
                measurement of joint ROM is essential            professional observes and records the
                for the diagnosis and treatment of               angle measurements.
                musculoskeletal disorders.
                                                                 It is important to note that goniometry is
                                                                 not without limitations. Factors such as
                The use of goniometry enables health
                professionals to measure joint angles            pain, muscle spasm, and joint
                and compare them to normal values,               in ammation can affect joint ROM

                which helps to identify restrictions or          measurements. Additionally, the
                limitations in joint mobility. It is a non-      reliability and validity of goniometry
                invasive and non-painful technique that          measurements depend on the skill and

                can be used on any joint in the body.            experience of the health professional
                                                                 performing the measurement.

                Goniometry is a valuable tool in clinical
                practice, where it can be used to
                evaluate the effectiveness of

                interventions such as physical therapy
                or rehabilitation exercises. It can also be
                used to monitor changes in joint ROM

                over time, which is particularly important
                in the recovery process.

                The Science of Posture Analysis: Evidence-Based Approaches for Health Professionals
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