Page 87 - PP8inst
P. 87
Exporting an Exam Image 83
There may be times when you want to use the posture exam as an image file to
create a PowerPoint slide, Word document or an image for a web site. Posture Pro will
export exams as a compressed JPEG image file. You can name the file and direct Pos-
ture Pro to the location where the file will be saved.
From the Main Screen, click on the
exam to export.
From the Skeletal Rendering screen
click on View Exam
From the exam screen click
on Export.
From here you will
name the file, and point
to the location where the
file will be saved. You will
need to create this folder
in advance if it does not
already exist.
Posture Pro will
then save the exam as
a compressed image file
of about 50k at 800x600
NOTE: What is saved is the exam screen only, not any of the skeletal renderings or
any report screen components like text or graphs.