Page 4 - PP8inst
P. 4

Introduction                                                                        4

                    WHAT'S NEW in Version 8

                    Moving Records
                    We also added a feature that lets you move an exam from one record to another.

                    Posture Pro I represents the state-of-the-art in spinal screening technology. PP8
                    has been redesigned with increased speed, accuracy and ease of operation as the
                    goals. We have met and exceeded these goals. Below are a few of the new "high-
                    lights" of  Posture Pro.

                            Level Correction Tool

                    New on screen tool ensures precise leveling of the picture by compensating for any
                    rotational tilt.

                            New Report Options

                    At the time a report is generated the user can select various report components to
                    be included or excluded.

                            Loss of Height

                    Software will now estimate the percentage of loss of height and convert to inches or

                            NEW IMAGE SIZE SUPPORT

                    Posture Pro 8 can now handle any size imported image. The size of the image
                    on the screen is now adjustable by the user.
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