Page 45 - Welcome to Posture Pro
P. 45
Cephalalgia, Volume 29, Number 2, February 2009 , pp. 250-257(8)
“Loss of the cervical spinal curve stretches the spinal cord 5-7 cm. causing adverse neural
tension” including tensioning of the meninges (covering of the brain and spinal cord) and
eliciting measurable pressure on brain-stem nuclei (nerve control centers) which control
all basic life functions. The increased compression led to disregulation of basic metabolic
control functions and disease.
Breig, Alf. Adverse Mechanical Tension in the Central Nervous System: An Analysis of Cause and Effect.
“90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the
spine”.(Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize recipient for brain research). Dr. Sperry demonstrated
that 90% of the energy output of the brain is used to relate our physical body to the stress
of gravity. This leaves only 10% of our energy output for thinking, metabolism, and
healing. The implication is that Forward Head Posture creates an unwanted drain of
energy that could otherwise be used to optimize other body functions including thinking,
metabolism, and immune function; all in the inefficient attempt to deal with an abnormal
posture and poor relationship (imbalance) with gravity.
Sperry, R. W. (1988) Roger Sperry's brain research. Bulletin of The Theosophy Science Study
Group 26(3-4), 27-28.