About Posture University

This is an at-your-pace learning system comprised of almost 200 pages of information and a built-in exam section. Completion of the material and a passing mark of 80% and above qualifies you to pass Part 1 of the Posture Pro certification program

The purpose of the material is to establish a standard in the analysis and treatment of Forward Head Posture in anticipation of a national marketing program to drive patients to select practitioners around the world.

Learn detailed information about posture, how it's controlled by the body and how it's affected by external sources. Review all the latest research concerning both adult and youth posture. This might be the most detailed collection of posture information ever. Fully illustrated by Dr. Joe Ventura.

In addition you will learn about several opportunities to use your new knowledge to expand your practice. Here's a review of some of the information in Posture University. Each line is a different topic.

Posture University is Available at Our Web Store

Only $495 (for Windows Only)

A Sample of the Topics in Posture University

  • Can You Change Posture?

    Add $500-$1000 Per Patient

    Understanding the Balance System

    Balance Chart

    Balance Strategies

    Understanding Static Posture

    Typical Posture Patient Predictable Stresses

    Predictable Stresses #2

    Forward Head Posture

    Trinity of FHP

    Trinity 2

    Pregnant Man

    Stress on the Machine (Page 57)

    Which is More Stable?

    Thin Discs or Bad Posture? Fibromyalgia and Posture


    Posture correction is a three-pa

    PowerPosture Exercises

    Posture Blocks™FHP Correction

    Posture Blocks 2

    Your Adjustment

    Using Posture Pro in the Office

    Coding Strategy Using Posture

  • Posture Curves

    Posture and Hips

    Two Important Observations Muscles Work-Joints Strain

    The Shear Truth about Posture

    Abnormal Shear Forces

    Which Came First Head or Hip?

    How Bad Is Bad?

    What’s Your Posture Number?

    Poor posture must be identified

    Why Focus on Posture?

    Prevalence of FHP

    Stress on the Machine (Page 34)

    Universal Words Posture Studies

    Marketing to New Patient Groups

    Athletes and Posture

    Posture and the Weight Loss

    Poor Posture is Not Self-Correct

    Pregnancy and Posture

    Posture Number™ Prelim Exam Patient re-activation

    ReviewYes You CAN Change Posture

    Posture Correction

    Stretches/Exercises and Posture

    Posture Improvement Exercises

    Posture Reprogramming DVD

    General Stretching and Exercise

  • Posture is the Window to Health

    Universal Awareness

    Poor Posture Defined

    What is Normal?

    Stressors of Poor Posture

    School Children Study

    Photographic Reliability Study

    Postural development in school c

    Prevalence and risk factors of p

    Generation of Technology Strain Posture Correction Fees

    Posture Screenings

    Best Locations

    Screening Tips

    Sample Letter

    To Charge or Not to Charge

    What to Do at a Screening

    Getting People to Stop

    Explaining the Posture Number

    Screening versus Office Posture