
New Laser Guided FHP Exam System

 The 20 second exam revealed a FHP travel of 110 mm or 4.3 inches.Accurately Measure Forward Head Travel In A Little As 20 Seconds!

As I was doing research on my article for the American Chiropractor Magazine titled "Posture Reprogramming and the Tweet Generation" two things became apparent: First, Forward Head Posture in youths is increasing at an alarming rate.*

Second, NO school system in the country is adding FHP testing to scoliosis screenings, even though 31% of school age children will trigger a positive FHP exam versus 4% for a scoliosis exam.

A simple but accurate and inexpensive system to measure forward head travel was needed so every healthcare practitioner, especially school nurses, could incorporate FHP exams in the office or school.

So, I started designing such a system. Step one was to design and produce a high-precision screen on which the results would be revealed. I re-designed my original posture grid so it would contain horizontal and vertical lines creating 20mm squares. Every 12 squares vertically is a very precise mm ruler. This grid is so unique I have it copyrighted.

 Next I created a very complex laser system mounted on a movable track I designed. During the testing of this laser system I realized that it was overly complicated and expensive. So I distilled the process to the essence of what I was trying to achieve and created a simple and effective laser marking procedure.

It's the perfect tool to trigger the need for a referral to the office for a complete posture exam, with our full Posture Pro software, or whatever posture exam software you use. Here's how easy it is:

1. Line up the subject with the grid's center line.

2. Shine the laser beam in the ear.

3. Have the patient step away from the grid.

4. Write down the position of the beam on the grid's mm ruler using our special report pad. That's it. Takes about 20 seconds.

The Laser Guided System comes with:

  • Retractable High-precision posture grid

  • Two 5mW LASER pens

  • PDF file to print out the color report sheets

100 slide PowerPoint presentation on Posture Reprogramming

Visit our web store or Click Here to order.

*By the way, I discovered during my research that texting puts the head into an average of 4.5 inches of FHP, and the average youth holds that position for an average of 31 hours per month. Add hand-held video games, notebook computer use, over-loaded backpacks and the general poor posture habits to the mix and you can see why FHP in youths is becoming such a problem. Most of these technology and social pressures did not exist a generation ago.

Joseph Ventura D.C.


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