Movie #1 is Education or ChiroQuarium Blu
ray or HiDef DVD
This wide format movie turns your flat
screen TV into an amazing and effective learning center. The
background action takes place in an undersea coral
reef. Colorful tropical fish move in and out of the scene. Your
attention is captured as you watch the ever changing environment
and the undersea life that inhabits it.
While that is happening in the background,
chiropractic and general health messages are played in the
foreground. Every 20 seconds a different message will fade in
and out. 100 messages in all. The movie contains 45 minutes of
constantly changing motion and messages. It loops for continuous
play throughout the day or can be set to play as part of a
looping trio of movies.
The motion of the undersea world is very
engaging and the education information will stimulate referrals
and interest in other services you have to offer your patients.
Why an Aquarium? Visual Relaxation
For the visual stimulation we chose a specially
designed aquarium, inhabited by some very special tropical fish. Research has
proven that watching brightly colored fish swimming in a tank has the ability to
produce an alpha brainwave, relaxation state. It is in this state that a patient
is most receptive to information. The ChiroQuarium fish move in a specially
timed "underwater dance" that both engages and soothes. As the viewer focuses on
the movement of the fish, and the changes in the light, outside worries begin to
slip away and the brain becomes more receptive to information.
On Screen Patient Education
The purpose of ChiroQuarium, is the education
and relaxation of the
Chiropractic Patient.
To the rhythmic movements of the fish we have added 100 different phrases that appear on the
screen to motivate patients in a positive manner.
There is 10-20 seconds of nothing but moving fish, followed by 10-20 seconds of text messages on the screen. A typical
phrase goes like this: "Headaches are not caused by a deficiency of aspirin.
Tell your doctor about your headaches."
The movie is also suitable for playing at
outside events as an outstanding passive education system.